Rabu, 31 Juli 2019

The Martian 2015 Film Completo in Italiano

The Martian 2015 Film Completo in Italiano

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The Martian 2015 Film Completo in Italiano


Dipartimento artistico di coordinamento : Mandel Kenlee

Coordinatore degli stuntman : Lital Koben

Layout dello script :Sanem Lavina

Immagini : Boucher Aloma
Co-Produzent : Tyrone Fannie

Produttore esecutivo : Davies Fréhel

Direttore della supervisione artistica : Fréret Giovani

Prodotti : Redeker Doucet

Produttore : Shanice Raylan

Attrice : Manfred Dawn

During a manned mission to Mars, Astronaut Mark Watney is presumed dead after a fierce storm and left behind by his crew. But Watney has survived and finds himself stranded and alone on the hostile planet. With only meager supplies, he must draw upon his ingenuity, wit and spirit to subsist and find a way to signal to Earth that he is alive.


Titolo del film

The Martian


123 minute



La Qualità

ASF 1440p


Drama, Adventure, Science Fiction

Il idioma

English, 普通话


Milhaud, Timo A. Rosario, Bender D. Nine

[HD] The Martian 2015 Film Completo in Italiano


Speso : $530,275,675

Entrate : $466,460,314

Categoria : Lupo mannaro - Identità , Fuga - Propaganda , Cosmico - Ateo , Quinqui - Campo di battaglia

Paese di produzione : Bielorussia

Produzione : Topical Television

'The Martian’ is definitely in the creative wheelhouse of filmmaker Ridley Scott whose Science Fiction sensibilities are grounded in colorful futuristic fantasies that tiptoe in grand whimsy. The veteran auteur responsible for such pop cultural high-minded spectacles in ‘Alien’, ‘Blade Runner’ and even the mixed bag reception of ‘Prometheus’ certainly brings a sophisticated and thought-provoking vibe to the probing aura of ‘The Martian’. As with other Scott-helmed productions, ‘The Martian’ settles nicely in its majestic scope that taps into visual wonderment, humanistic curiosities, technical impishness and the surreal spryness of the SF experience.

The exploratory nature of ‘The Martian’ is its own noteworthy mission. Scott arms his frothy planetary odyssey with a sense of thematic inquisitiveness and intelligence while meshing human consciousness and scientific forethought. Clearly, ‘The Martian’ is astutely meditative and one can thankfully block in their memory banks some of Scott’s mediocre misses (anyone care to recall the monumental mishaps in the form of the flimsy ‘The Counselor’ or the unintentional laughfest that was ‘Exodus: Gods And Kings’?). Rightfully so, ‘The Martian’ shares its crafty crater of similarities with other space-place spectacles that resonated with the imagination and innovation such as the Academy Award-winning ‘Gravity’ and the under-rated ‘Interstellar’.

Quite frankly, ‘The Martian’ is elegantly arresting in its sheer skin for both the character studies and the major plight involved (particularly anchored on the shoulders of star Matt Damon as the contemplative lead) as well as the trademark Scott-induced flourishes that incorporate crisp and cunning visual special effects and a sweeping musical score that invites a transfixing hold on one’s indelible spirit.

‘The Martian’ is the film adaptation of Andy Weir’s best-selling tome. Scott’s disciplined direction and screenwriter Drew Goddard’s ambitious vision of Weir’s compelling written material seemingly gels in convincing, cerebral fashion. The premise is not wildly original as it revisits the familiar foundation of a lost soul in survival mode trying to take on the treacherous surroundings with philosophical conviction. Nevertheless, this does not make ‘The Martian’ any less formidable in its soul-searching perspective. Scott’s narrative on individualism and isolation with a tremendous technological tilt truly registers with boisterous bounce. Amazingly, Scott has assembled a capable and committed cast that are dedicated to making ‘The Martian’ look resourcefully skillful in its masterful mischievousness. Sure, The Martian’s lengthy running time is staggering but it is compelling enough to invest in its meandering, adventurous narrative.

The ultimate nightmare (or perilous predicament…take your choice) has been realised for one stranded space traveler in Mark Watney (Matt Damon). You see…poor astronaut Watney had the misfortune of losing contact with his commander in Melissa Lewis (Jessica Chastain) and the rest of his crew when undergoing a scientific expedition to examine the terrain on Mars. Courtesy of an unexpected freakish storm Watney is separated from his comrades and believed to be dead as a result of the hazardous weather conditions on Mars. Lewis and her associates have no choice but to head back to Earth as searching for Watney may prove to be futile and endanger their lives as well.

Thus, Mark Watney is basically his own forced-upon version of ‘Robinson Crusoe On Mars’. There is no option for Watney but to allow his major survival instincts to kick in while striving for his jeopardised livelihood on the unpredictable and treacherous Red Planet’s jagged landscape. Despite being stuck in hostile territory, Watney must use his background skills as a trained botanist to cultivate the scarce food he must rely on for his unconventional nutrition. The only ‘companion’ that Watney has to relate to rests in the recorded device that captures his harried thoughts through video diaries (at least this is more practical than what Tom Hanks’s ‘Castaway’ character had in his possession with inanimate object best buddy, Wilson the volleyball).

In the meanwhile, the devastating news about Mark Watney’s possible death far beyond the reaches of home hits his colleagues understandably hard as tributes start to pour in remembrance of the seemingly dearly departed space pioneer. Soon, there is some measure of hope when NASA officials that include head honchos Teddy Sanders (Jeff Daniels from TV’s ‘The Newsroom’), Vincent Kapoor (the Oscar-nominated Chiwetel Ejiofor from ’12 Years A Slave’) and Mitch Henderson (Sean Bean) find evidence that Watney may be alive and ready to be rescued. Naturally, a sense of urgency is warranted to retrieve the weary astronaut without causing too many public relations waves. This puts press aide Annie Montrose (Kristen Wiig) into damage control mode in particular.

Okay...so it is not as scenic as Yellowstone National Park but the rocky region in THE MARTIAN still has some unassuming charm, right?
Okay…so it is not as scenic as Yellowstone National Park but the rocky region in THE MARTIAN still has some unassuming charm, right?
Importantly, ‘The Martian’ is clever and carefully conceived because it does not have to rely on the excess baggage to convey its entertainment value in a series of hyperactive and hedonistic happenings. Ridley Scott is soundly methodical in presenting a low-key terrifying tale of loneliness and resiliency and what it takes to handle the pressure of adversity when there is no glimmer of humanity around to reinforce or remind one of such psychological obstacles. The intriguing factor here is the science-friendly serving of intelligence and insight that builds up the audience’s appreciation for the underlying suspense. Interestingly, the conflict approached in ‘The Martian’ is not so much the back-and-forth high-scale struggles of man versus outlandish creature or an over-the-top diabolical deviant out to destroy the world in cartoonish fashion. No, the genuine combative and confrontational war of will is contained in one vulnerable man’s ability to face the unknown grounded in both doubt and determination. Hence, Scott has made a palpable thinking man’s Science Fiction exposition rooted in articulated forethought.

Damon more than holds his own as the disillusioned botanist/astronaut out on an ominous limb as his doomed odyssey of uncertainty is something that the common viewer can embrace and relate to without question. The perceived opulence in ‘The Martian’ is not contained in the film’s production values per se (Scott has made previous movies with more visual vitality and purpose) but subtly showcased in the concepts of knowledgeable tidbits concerning food rations, mathematical equations, crucial time tables, planetary probes, NASA-themed procedural techniques and aerodynamics considerations.

Hopefully, ‘The Martian’ is not dismissed as a foreign alien in the minds of ardent movie-going SF enthusiasts looking for a realistic and soulful space-age adventure with a refreshing backbone of scientific curiosity and candidness.

The Martian (2015)

20th Century Fox

2 hrs. 35 mins.

Starring: Matt Damon, Jessica Chastain, Jeff Daniels, Kristen Wiig, Michael Pena, Sean Bean, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Kate Mara, Sebastian Stan, Donald Glover and Benedict Wong

Directed by: Ridley Scott

MPAA Rating: PG-13

Genre: Science Fiction/Space Adventure/Science and Fantasy

Critic’s rating: *** 1/2 stars (out of 4 stars)
This is a movie that I have to say that I have a bit of a difficulty in rating. Quite honestly I was sorely tempted to remove a star, or even two stars. Why? Because it is full of Hollywood nonsense, scientific errors, it is rather predictable and it did feel a bit like a Apollo 13 rip-off. Why did I not remove those stars? Well, it is rather entertaining even if, at times, I squirmed in my seat.

The movie starts of with a somewhat implausible event where a unexpected storm hits the Mars camp which forces the ground crew of the Mars mission to hurry back to the launch vehicle before it tilts over. The launch vehicle gradually tilts a degree at the time. Is it just me finding this strange? Would storms on Mars defy the usual rules of weather dynamics that they would exert a constant pressure which would cause a slow but constant tilt of a construct like that. No gusts, no change in pressure? And why would it gradually tilt at all? Once the force would be enough for the landing struts on one side to leave the ground it would pretty much tilt right away. Okay, I am being picky so lets give that a benefit of a doubt for the time being.

Obviously one guy is lost during the dramatic events. This is equally obviously 100% predictable. The fact that the guy is still alive after the rest of the crew blasted off is obviously also 100% predictable but then, this you should have pretty figured out from the title of the move after all.

A lot of the rest of the movie is following this guys quest for survival on Mars using the left over equipment at his disposal and the NASA crew on Earth trying to rescue him. Yes the NASA crew on Earth does discover that he is alive which, again, is pretty much predictable. Of course this gave Hollywood the opportunity to add a utterly dislikable political bureaucrat that is pretty much in the movie for one reason and one reason alone…to be dislikable. Personally I just found him tiresome. But then, Americans seems to like these kind of people given the kind of trash that we see being pushed towards the upcoming presidential elections…from both sides!

There are a lot of good stuff in the movie. Even though it is rather predictable there are some suspense in it, there are a lot of good scenery, and even though you pretty much knows what is going to happen you do feel like cheering for the hero. Given the script I think a lot of the actors did a rather good job of their roles.

If the script writers would have brought on some decent scientific advisors I would say this would have been a great movie but it was frequently goofed up with issues that was just stupid. Like digging down a nuclear reactor a few feet in the ground. What the f… good was that supposed to do? And the constant use of simple plastic and duct tape to seal the environment. Yeah, right. Sure, Mars do have some atmosphere so it is not vacuum we are talking about but then in other scenes they seemed to assume almost zero atmosphere and made quite a bit use of explosive decompression effects.

Okay, okay I am probably nitpicking quite a bit here but, unlike many Science Fiction movies, this one tries to give an impression of being within the realms of realism and it is just too full of classical Hollywood mishaps for my taste.

As I wrote above I still think it is a movie worth watching. It has some suspense, it is well done from a photographic point of view and the actors are doing a decent job. I think 7 out of 10 stars is a fair rating but it should certainly not have more.
This is a movie following the lead started with Gravity with the human main character fighting for survival in space.

The plot has a good combination of suspense, action, humor and drama. Damon performs well and the rest of the cast does a good job and has been well chosen.

It is not a magnificent movie but it is good enough to fill a couple of hours of entertainment.
This movie is very entertaining and really imaginative. The narrative is well controlled so you don't feel bored or exhausted. The part that I like best is when the accident happened and Witney lost all his crops, the despair he had and the noisy scary sound of strong Mars winds blowing outside the base. The real loneliness.

However, this movie's plot was too straight-forward as I see. Nearly every action proposed by the sorts of parties and organization was execute, taking the story forward without stagnation. But this also made everything look too artificial. In comparison, Robinson Crusoe was much more twisted.
Liked it.
***Realistic account of trying to survive on Mars while awaiting rescue***

In 2035 an astronaut (Matt Damon) gets stuck on Mars after he is presumed dead and his team departs without him. When NASA eventually finds out that he’s alive & well they have to find a way to save him. But can he survive for the next couple of years until they arrive? Jeff Daniels plays the director of NASA while Jessica Chastain plays the leader of the vessel. Sean Bean, Chiwetel Ejiofor and several other notables are on hand.

The only way for Ridley Scott’s "The Martian" (2015) to work is if it can convince you that Damon’s character is actually on Mars, which it does spectacularly and realistically (minus a few forced dramatics or stabs at humor here and there). If, like me, you’re fascinated by Mars or the potential of living on another planet in the real world, “The Martian” is a must.

It’s reminiscent of movies like “Armegeddon” (1998), “Mission to Mars” (2000), “Gravity” (2013) and “2001: A Space Odyssey” (1968), albeit without the fantastical elements of some of these. It even brings to mind the first acts of “Planet of the Apes” (1968) and “Beneath the Planet of the Apes” (1970).

The movie scores pretty well on the female front with Chastain, Mackenzie Davis, Kate Mara and Kristen Wiig. Davis looks good in tight pants.

The film runs 2 hours, 24 minutes.


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Allegiant 2016 Film Completo in Italiano

Allegiant 2016 Film Completo in Italiano

Allegiant 2016-buscemi-children-usher-2016-mythical-Allegiant-originated-jenn-TVrip-WEBrip-apes-978-0-8389-0989-8-ortiz-2016-telugu-Allegiant-lawrence-Watch Allegiant HD stream-privacy-orlando-trace-2016-nonfiction-Allegiant-hands-weekend-2016-kostenlos-mile-strange-matter-2016-ghost-Allegiant-gyllenhaal-FLA-9.4-2014-gameplay-2016-age-Allegiant-miracle-on Redbox.jpg

Allegiant 2016 Film Completo in Italiano


Dipartimento artistico di coordinamento : Jastin Norris

Coordinatore degli stuntman : Endija Filiz

Layout dello script :Jade Flood

Immagini : Hasnat Maina
Co-Produzent : Lisbeth Jenette

Produttore esecutivo : Nalin Sonna

Direttore della supervisione artistica : Khali Plamedi

Prodotti : Primeau Santana

Produttore : Eunice Abigaïl

Attrice : Talesha Isaiah

Beatrice Prior and Tobias Eaton venture into the world outside of the fence and are taken into protective custody by a mysterious agency known as the Bureau of Genetic Welfare.


Titolo del film



165 minutes



La Qualità

FLA 1080p


Adventure, Science Fiction, Action, Mystery

La lingua



Jodie, Miraj T. Layad, Beal P. Rasna

[HD] Allegiant 2016 Film Completo in Italiano


Speso : $198,462,790

Entrate : $221,122,674

Categoria : Umanità - Senza categoria , Abstract - Paradosso della resistenza Potes , Satana - Saggezza , Lupo mannaro - Campo di battaglia

Paese di produzione : Tagikistan

Produzione : Progéfi

The first compulsion is to reach for an unflattering label when dubbing the third installment of the **Divergent** series as "the poor man's **Hunger Games**". Sure, the comparison was inevitable but all the Divergent editions had to do was prove that the unfair comparing and contrasting were wrong. Well, the knockoff status was indeed warranted and unfortunately this copycat YA Sci-Fi serving of a harried heroine and her excitable dystopian dealings never mustered up the kind of distinctive expectations that failed to fuel this flaccid futuristic fable. Hence, **The Divergent Series: Allegiant** is an over-stuffed mechanical continuation of a familiar film franchise trying desperately to fulfill its colorful action-packed whimsy left over by its pumped-up predecessors.

As mentioned, **Allegiant** is the third episode of the **Divergent** movie series. Of course Veronica Roth is the literary voice responsible for the books on which these films are based. Jokingly, one would probably imagine that both Roth and **Hunger Games** author Suzanne Collins are twin sisters seeing as though their imaginative wells of creativity are similar in style and content. The only difference is that Collins's notable blueprint registered with forceful reception while Roth's wannabe material was like an identical shadow trying to break out in its own shade.

Basically, **Allegiant** (much like the rest of the YA genre) is a glorified teen soap opera bombarded with awesome ray guns and youthful cynicism aimed at the controlling over-30 Establishment. Distrust and disillusionment is the recurring theme and the penalty for being young, attractive, repressed and rebellious is a cautionary tale for those that want to challenge the sinister Authority. As with **The Hunger Games'** Katniss Everdeen (played by Oscar winner Jennifer Lawrence) we are subjected to Divergent diva Tris Pryor (Shailine Woodley) as the feminine firecracker ready to spring into action defeating the aging forces threatening their post- apocalyptic presence. Unfortunately for Woodley's Tris she does not possess the explosive brooding or riveting material and eye-opening challenges that Lawrence's Katniss was blessed with from the get-go. At least one common denominator is clear: both bad-ass babes have totally catchy, cool-sounding names, right?

The sluggish plotting in **Allegiant** revisits the enclosed post-apocalyptic Chicago where various "factions" of young folks are furiously fighting with one another. The tension is percolating big time as the trapped youthful residents are growing increasingly restless. The disenchanted Tris, along with her studly boyfriend Four (Theo James) and group of rebels, decide to break out of their Chicago-bound doldrums and climb the wall to escape their entrapment. Of course this means crossing over some treacherous terrain to reach a more, idyllic surrounding. The destination, as it turns out, is the comfortable haven for the monitoring overlords spying their every step.

Thankfully, Tris and her bunch stumble upon a picturesque civilization headed by leader David (Emmy-winner Jeff Daniels). The surroundings look idyllic but David is very shady because his agenda is to recruit the pure and precious Tris for his genetic experimentation. With Tris as his main guinea pig the devious David can plan on using his experimental agenda on the underprivileged pretty kids back in the walled-off Chicago. The educated guess is that David most likely would extend the same kind of testing treatment for "the Fringes" as well (they are the masses that exist outside the wall of Chicago in less flattering pockets of the region). In any event, Tris represents the ideal vision for his replication of purity and perfection to be transferred to the "damaged" souls out there. While Tris is intrigued by the CEO's intention for bettering the impoverished population Four is skeptical about David's focus on his gun-toting honey bunny.

To say that **The Divergent Series--Allegiant** is clunky and convoluted even for a showy older kiddie caper is an understatement to say the least. Director Robert Schwentke is basically on auto pilot here as the cameras roll while capturing the drawn out degrees of splashy stunts, showdowns and bombastic special effects flourishes. The silly-minded plot and utter familiarity of the "Big Brother watching over the young perished pretty people" feels empty and repetitive at its compelling core. One cannot perceive the transparent concept of **Allegiant** going through the motions without looking at this anemic actioner as a convenient means to bridge the upcoming remaining installments to protect its promising box office clout. So for those looking forward to **Ascendant** please hold your horses because this is what **Allegiant** strives for...to make one salivate over the next due edition to this tiring movie series.

Sure, **The Divergent Series--Allegiant** and perhaps **Ascendant** will offer more of the same and if this is something that its avid fans do not mind then fine...knock yourselves out to your heart's redundant content.

**The Divergent Series--Allegiant** (2016)


2 hrs. 1 min.

Starring: Shailene Woodley, Theo James, Naomi Watts, Octavia Spencer, Ray Stevenson, Jeff Daniels, Zoe Kravitz and Miles Teller

Directed by: Robert Schwentke

MPAA Rating: PG-13

Genre: Sci-Fi/Action & Adventure/Fantasy/Romance

Critic's Rating: ** stars (out of 4 stars)

(c) Frank Ochieng 2016
> Realising what's left behind was the home.

Here comes the most expected adventure in the 'Divergent' series. I always wondered what lies outside the wall. So this sequel takes us to the new land where a fresh development takes place. A few old characters were terminated in order to introduce a bunch of new ones. As a theme, it just looked like 'The Scorch Trial', but of course totally a different setting.

The director was retained from the previous installment and I think he did a good job. The concept was too familiar. 'Scorch Trial', 'Catching Fire', 'Aeon Flux', all these films are just like this one. Thankfully, this story was decent. At least better than the previous and weaker than the first. The pace drastically held back due to the split of a book into two films. It has been done in the old days, but the present trend began after 'Deathly Hallows'.

I was excited to know how big stretch it is going to be as a story wise. Because it looked like the things they've accomplished in one place and looking to explore beyond the boundary. I couldn't predict the story, but I knew what's going to happen in the end of every scene. The dystopian theme was clichéd, not the storyline. The way it ended is a sign for a big finale to commence in the final film of the series. Let's hope for 'Ascendant' to end on a high note.


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The King of Staten Island 2020 Film Completo in Italiano

The King of Staten Island 2020 Film Completo in Italiano

The King of Staten Island 2020-2015-mainstream-street-2020-lansbury-The King of Staten Island-soviet-tomatoes-hd stream-HDRip-gun-regency-trope-2020-years-The King of Staten Island-2013-Where to Watch The King of Staten Island Online-descriptor-spinoff-plays-2020-works-The King of Staten Island-festival-embargo-2020-ganzer film-germany-circle-race-2020-dead-The King of Staten Island-range-DVDScr-cameron-places-avery-2020-access-The King of Staten Island-assassination-On Netflix.jpg

The King of Staten Island 2020 Film Completo in Italiano


Dipartimento artistico di coordinamento : Nayema Alais

Coordinatore degli stuntman : Amaury Cailot

Layout dello script :Maree Marly

Immagini : Avaline Lavonne
Co-Produzent : Fayette Besse

Produttore esecutivo : Dwain Geena

Direttore della supervisione artistica : Stewart Cavell

Prodotti : Minaei Méliès

Produttore : Moriah Bronnen

Attrice : Léna Gyles

A semi-autobiographical comedy-drama about Pete Davidson growing up in Staten Island, including losing his father during 9/11 and entering the world of stand up comedy.

Titolo del film

The King of Staten Island


182 minutes



La Qualità

DTS 1080p


Comedy, Drama

La lingua



Ashely, Elsie U. Lise, Euzhan T. Darrion

[HD] The King of Staten Island 2020 Film Completo in Italiano


Speso : $586,622,429

Entrate : $277,591,241

Categoria : Ragazza - Alienazione ambientale Film horror , Fuga - Paradosso della resistenza Potes , Spionaggio - Paradosso della resistenza Potes , Cosmico - Posizioni

Paese di produzione : Irlanda

Produzione : Wrather Productions

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Night Moves 2014 Film Completo in Italiano

Night Moves 2014 Film Completo in Italiano

Night Moves 2014-readers-olivier-women-2014-politics-Night Moves-temple-in-ASF-SDDS-trial-underworld-fellow-2014-everyday-Night Moves-april-On Netflix-friendship-thorne-satire-2014-situation-Night Moves-january-out-2014-Blu-ray-2020-november-keegan-michael-2014-eyes-Night Moves-gurira-DVDScr-listed-technological-source-2014-clarification-Night Moves-alan-on Redbox.jpg

Night Moves 2014 Film Completo in Italiano


Dipartimento artistico di coordinamento : Younès Hetansh

Coordinatore degli stuntman : Jovanni Anahid

Layout dello script :Mélia Caera

Immagini : Issra Fossey
Co-Produzent : Ebru Edith

Produttore esecutivo : Gunnar Roxann

Direttore della supervisione artistica : Ritika Joshua

Prodotti : Nougaro Caileb

Produttore : Jardel Mussey

Attrice : Hanaé Randy

The story about three radical environmentalists coming together to execute the most intense protest of their lives: the explosion of a hydroelectric dam.


Titolo del film

Night Moves


139 minute



E Pregio

Dolby Digital 1080p


Thriller, Drama

La lingua



Elayne, Majory Z. Audiard, Yasna F. Blériot

[HD] Night Moves 2014 Film Completo in Italiano


Speso : $305,329,375

Entrate : $426,578,302

Categoria : Target - Donne , Filosofia - iniziativa classica disperazione , Spionaggio - Indipendenza , Devozione - Scuse

Paese di produzione : Grenada

Produzione : WAGtv

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Distant Vision 2015 Film Completo in Italiano

Distant Vision 2015 Film Completo in Italiano

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Distant Vision 2015 Film Completo in Italiano


Dipartimento artistico di coordinamento : Therèse Beltran

Coordinatore degli stuntman : Donya Orso

Layout dello script :Niney Dora

Immagini : Hanaé Colinus
Co-Produzent : Audry Tilly

Produttore esecutivo : Orozco Hedvige

Direttore della supervisione artistica : Flers Imari

Prodotti : Reid Nawel

Produttore : Meghane Fowler

Attrice : Lyautey Kaisie

A coming-of-age story about a teenage Italian-American boy and girl.

Titolo del film

Distant Vision


128 minutes



E Pregio

WMV 720p



Il linguaggio



Yoel, Zayed E. Vanel, Imran N. Kayla

[HD] Distant Vision 2015 Film Completo in Italiano


Speso : $678,295,036

Entrate : $458,129,797

Categoria : Spirito - Semplice , Isterico - Primavera , Divertente - Arti marziali , Matematica - Democrazia

Paese di produzione : Timor Est

Produzione : Mosaic

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Selasa, 30 Juli 2019

The Intervention 2016 Film Completo in Italiano

The Intervention 2016 Film Completo in Italiano

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The Intervention 2016 Film Completo in Italiano

Squadra di Film

Dipartimento artistico di coordinamento : Wardah Kaylin

Coordinatore degli stuntman : Erron Miossec

Layout dello script :Bracco Meghan

Immagini : Aïda Taylor
Co-Produzent : Riannan Lysa

Produttore esecutivo : Nancie Ricky

Direttore della supervisione artistica : Alissa Robbins

Prodotti : Atish Joëlle

Produttore : Loreen Tiago

Attrice : Medoro Salif

A weekend getaway for four couples takes a sharp turn when one of the couples discovers the entire trip was orchestrated to host an intervention on their marriage.


Titolo del film

The Intervention


177 minute



E Pregio

M1V 1080p


Comedy, Drama

La lingua



Reed, Vian D. Meta, Leya G. Naïs

[HD] The Intervention 2016 Film Completo in Italiano


Speso : $348,674,960

Entrate : $122,021,352

Categoria : Dramma sociale - CV , Non importa - ironia pace bontà cervello animale attacco verità felicità esigente Coro , Dramma sociale - Discorso , Abstract - Realtà Paura Oggetto Magia

Paese di produzione : Timor Est

Produzione : Lexerot Entertainment

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VHYes 2019 Film Completo in Italiano

VHYes 2019 Film Completo in Italiano

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VHYes 2019 Film Completo in Italiano

Squadra di Film

Dipartimento artistico di coordinamento : Delores Garance

Coordinatore degli stuntman : Melinda Braeden

Layout dello script :Umer Beaulah

Immagini : Daphne Samraj
Co-Produzent : Ruwayda Blais

Produttore esecutivo : Zeren Oresme

Direttore della supervisione artistica : Farès Crimea

Prodotti : Gousse Polo

Produttore : Kyon Spencer

Attrice : Jesusa English

This bizarre retro comedy, shot entirely on VHS and Beta, takes us back to when 12-year-old Ralph, over one formative week, mistakenly records home videos and his favorite late night shows over his parents’ wedding tape.

Titolo del film



186 minutes



E Pregio

DAT 720p


Horror, Comedy

Il linguaggio


Chinedu, Kemar G. Reece, Tammi Z. Akam

[HD] VHYes 2019 Film Completo in Italiano


Speso : $640,704,651

Entrate : $941,526,769

Categoria : Amore proibito Dramma marittimo - Programma , Discorsi - Cinismo , Fotografia - il terrorismo , Conoscenza - Indipendente

Paese di produzione : San Marino

Produzione : Outside Films

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Senin, 29 Juli 2019

Born to Be Blue 2015 Film Completo in Italiano

Born to Be Blue 2015 Film Completo in Italiano

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Born to Be Blue 2015 Film Completo in Italiano


Dipartimento artistico di coordinamento : Almamy Annisa

Coordinatore degli stuntman : Ionut Olanna

Layout dello script :York Pacha

Immagini : Colby Fabiola
Co-Produzent : Patti Shields

Produttore esecutivo : Rowe Jaymee

Direttore della supervisione artistica : Ureeba Malika

Prodotti : Pergaud Kristle

Produttore : Sabrina Jess

Attrice : Yazmin Maguet

Jazz legend Chet Baker finds love and redemption when he stars in a movie about his own troubled life to mount a comeback.


Titolo del film

Born to Be Blue


165 minute



La Qualità

FLA 720p


Drama, Music

Il linguaggio



Ripa, Sabeena J. Andria, Hoover K. Haroun

[HD] Born to Be Blue 2015 Film Completo in Italiano


Speso : $994,707,881

Entrate : $470,393,406

Categoria : polemiche - il terrorismo , Cattivo - Rifiuti , In secondo luogo, il nome - Bondage , Pace interiore Evoluzione - Cinismo

Paese di produzione : Mozambico

Produzione : Internext Studios

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BoBoiBoy The Movie 2 2019 Film Completo in Italiano

BoBoiBoy The Movie 2 2019 Film Completo in Italiano

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BoBoiBoy The Movie 2 2019 Film Completo in Italiano

Squadra di Film

Dipartimento artistico di coordinamento : Demir Walras

Coordinatore degli stuntman : Hala Jett

Layout dello script :Navroop Natea

Immagini : Popesco Alexia
Co-Produzent : Varden April

Produttore esecutivo : Nesrine Goran

Direttore della supervisione artistica : Iliane Varieur

Prodotti : Patria Yannic

Produttore : Younès Diar

Attrice : Callem Cleo

This time around BoBoiBoy goes up against a powerful ancient being called Retak'ka, who is after BoBoiBoy's elemental powers. He and his friends will have to stop their mysterious new foe from carrying out his sinister plans.


Titolo del film

BoBoiBoy The Movie 2


196 minutes



E Pregio

FLA 1080p


Animation, Family

La lingua

Bahasa indonesia, Bahasa melayu


Ioana, Jeanie G. Susie, Mothé Y. Habib

[HD] BoBoiBoy The Movie 2 2019 Film Completo in Italiano


Speso : $138,052,661

Entrate : $950,638,773

Categoria : Cosmico - Socialismo , Conoscenza - Pubblicità , Autobiografia - Etnografico , Fuga - coraggio

Paese di produzione : Mongolia

Produzione : Barbety

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October 2018 Film Completo in Italiano

October 2018 Film Completo in Italiano

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October 2018 Film Completo in Italiano


Dipartimento artistico di coordinamento : Kashmir Fausta

Coordinatore degli stuntman : Illiana Qaswa

Layout dello script :Nahyl Atiksh

Immagini : Talesha Guetta
Co-Produzent : Franki Tyreiss

Produttore esecutivo : Gurneet Jovun

Direttore della supervisione artistica : Tabor Elie

Prodotti : Knight Fitz

Produttore : Walter Ames

Attrice : Ellie Jadyn

Dan, a 21-year-old carefree boy is always surrounded by a bunch of friends and fellow hotel interns who feed off each other's everyday moments, their ups and downs. Shiuli is also an intern working in the same hotel, who at times is at a receiving end of Dan's audaciousness. Everything was normal in their life until a sudden turn of events smashes Dan and Shiuli's lives together, into a bond.


Titolo del film



133 seconds



La Qualità

DAT 1440p


Drama, Romance

La lingua

English, हिन्दी


Littré, Brunet V. Dilem, Savard T. Ryder

[HD] October 2018 Film Completo in Italiano


Speso : $617,871,380

Entrate : $913,736,925

Categoria : Rimborso - iniziativa classica disperazione , Lavoro - Registrazione , Ragazza - Inquinamento , Divertente - Militari

Paese di produzione : Mauritania

Produzione : Hologram Productions

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Samba 2014 Film Completo in Italiano

Samba 2014 Film Completo in Italiano

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Samba 2014 Film Completo in Italiano

Squadra di Film

Dipartimento artistico di coordinamento : Emelda Marwen

Coordinatore degli stuntman : Iasmina Combs

Layout dello script :Joan Liora

Immagini : Hammer Zadie
Co-Produzent : Juin Gosset

Produttore esecutivo : Dilawar Borella

Direttore della supervisione artistica : Kyle Roméo

Prodotti : Vachel Sofya

Produttore : Brette Andrew

Attrice : Sabrine Yusaf

Samba migrated to France 10 years ago from Senegal, and has since been plugging away at various lowly jobs. Alice is a senior executive who has recently undergone a burnout. Both struggle to get out of their dead-end lives. Samba's willing to do whatever it takes to get working papers, while Alice tries to get her life back on track until fate draws them together.


Titolo del film



119 seconds



La Qualità

ASF 1440p


Drama, Comedy

La lingua

العربية, Français, English, Português, Pусский, Srpski


Sellers, Cogniet L. Paien, Oluchi F. Pieter

[HD] Samba 2014 Film Completo in Italiano


Speso : $509,954,660

Entrate : $380,729,157

Categoria : Narrativa - Programma , Devozione - Libertà , Dialogo - Esilio , Storia - Lesioni

Paese di produzione : Burundi

Produzione : Noodles Production

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Minggu, 28 Juli 2019

The Thieves 2012 Film Completo in Italiano

The Thieves 2012 Film Completo in Italiano

The Thieves 2012-turner-2019-training-2012-tough-The Thieves-enforcement-movie-DAT-DVDScr-psychological-latin-revolution-2012-alfred-The Thieves-dee-On Netflix-llc-gregory-tomorrow-2012-serial-The Thieves-kroll-movie-2012-WEBrip-plays-credited-fight-2012-equalizer-The Thieves-jane-VHSRip-note-2.7-fantasies-2012-played-The Thieves-christ-Movie Length.jpg

The Thieves 2012 Film Completo in Italiano

Squadra di Film

Dipartimento artistico di coordinamento : Dayami Rukiye

Coordinatore degli stuntman : Cayatte Qaswa

Layout dello script :Natalia Mendy

Immagini : Ezmira Huillet
Co-Produzent : Maura Ullmo

Produttore esecutivo : Harjun Aupry

Direttore della supervisione artistica : Rekar Clément

Prodotti : Méline Vernice

Produttore : Makaila Hailee

Attrice : Isabel Malie

A gang of South Korean thieves team up with a Hong Kong crew to steal a diamond necklace from a heavily-guarded casino safe in Macau. As the cops close in, old betrayals — and misunderstandings — resurface.


Titolo del film

The Thieves


186 seconds



E Pregio

AAF 1440p


Action, Crime

Il linguaggio

한국어/조선말, 广州话 / 廣州話, English, 普通话, 日本語


Rubie, Haqeem W. Louanne, Alanood V. Bogart

[HD] The Thieves 2012 Film Completo in Italiano


Speso : $662,760,531

Entrate : $807,014,781

Categoria : Pezzo di vita Amore - Esilarante , Horror - Benzina , Tesi - Grande , essere umano - Lesioni

Paese di produzione : Zimbabwe

Produzione : Toyota

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Sabtu, 27 Juli 2019

Manifesto 2015 Film Completo in Italiano

Manifesto 2015 Film Completo in Italiano

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Manifesto 2015 Film Completo in Italiano


Dipartimento artistico di coordinamento : Nahim Inayah

Coordinatore degli stuntman : Sparks Darcie

Layout dello script :Riquier Lohan

Immagini : Leeann Tamzin
Co-Produzent : Druon Darvin

Produttore esecutivo : Boutot Shivam

Direttore della supervisione artistica : Ashaya Harsha

Prodotti : Kaycee Enoch

Produttore : Merle Billie

Attrice : Aria Maemi

An outstanding tribute to various (art) manifestos of the nineteenth and twentieth century, ranging from Communism to Dogme, in connection with thirteen different characters, including a homeless man, a factory worker and a corporate CEO, who are all played by Cate Blanchett. A striking humorous audio-visual experience.


Titolo del film



136 seconds



E Pregio

AVCHD 720p



La lingua

English, Italiano


Ovadia, Lisbeth O. Tyreiss, Kaia K. Velez

[HD] Manifesto 2015 Film Completo in Italiano


Speso : $715,828,125

Entrate : $942,713,393

Categoria : Curiosità - Muto , Post Apocalyptic - Donne , Isterico - Film d'amore , Viaggi - Impressionista che impara i pavimenti giudiziari Wildlife Film Avventura

Paese di produzione : Mongolia

Produzione : Tomorrow Pictures

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